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This will probably be the most difficult sentence of my story to believe.
I feel like I had a nurturing and fulfilled childhood.

I never remember going without, whether it was something I needed or wanted.
I was an honor roll student, a member of the boy scouts of America, and attended church each week.
In the Summertime I would be registered for baseball, winter basketball, spring was golf.
The holidays were always highlights, and family vacations were to Disneyland in California.
Our family was the picture of perfection.
They lived happily ever after, the end.

Well, as with any perfect picture, if you begin to examine closely, imperfections become apparent.
And the imperfections were not even imperfect.
These so called blemishes were violations of the standards set by the Church.
This was the scale of right and wrong given to us.
We were not taught to feel each situation and determine for ourselves its standard.
At a very early age our intuition and spiritual gifts were replaced by a written set of rules and regulations.

I know a child needs guidance.
And I was looking for guidance, all of us were.
But I had been with God more recently than my Mother and Father, and the Elders of the Church.
I didn't know it coming into this world, I just needed to be reminded of it.
And that my soul was the guidance system by which my individual life choices should be made.
It's foolproof because it is your divine soul created by God.
It cannot make a mistake.

And there may be members of the Church that would say they clearly see the doctrine of the Church as reflected in the above explanation..
And I say, that could be true.....for you.
At this moment in my spiritual growth as a child, I felt that I should no longer rely on my own sense of soul for choice, but rather follow the guideline provided and judged as righteous by my religious leaders.

I was not aware of it as a child, but this was my first introduction to the natural man.
Even the scriptural term "natural man" never registered to me until my mid 30's.
The clarity and importance of knowing, understanding, and rejecting the natural man was made clear to me when I rediscovered and enveloped myself in the science of astrology.

Psychologists will tell you that there are 2 factors proven by modern science that determine the type of human we become.
1. DNA/Genetics
2. Our Surrounding Environment
I am always impressed with the intelligence of modern Science,
and their ability to dissect animals or cadavers, but I digress.
This finding has been around for thousands of years, right in the Bible
1. Our Soul made by God before we became physical (DNA/Genetics)
2. The Natural Man (our surrounding environment)

Scripture References for Further Study
The Book of Mormon, The Book of Mosiah 3:19
"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit."

The Holy Bible (King James Version), New Testament, 1 Corinthians 2: 14
"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God:  for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."


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